
3 beautiful lessons Motherhood has taught me

“Motherhood: All love begins and ends there.” —Robert Browning

“When a mother says,” I Love you,” she doesn’t mean ” I love how you make me feel” she means “you are my world, my sun and my moon and not life or death can change that, wherever you are I will find you whether it be across seas or lost within yourself. You are my breath and the light inside my eyes.” Motherhood, while almost never glamorous, is always beautiful”~Bunmi

You see, I have been a mother for about five years now (oldest is five). Yes, you guessed it right. Nevertheless, I have not taken time to take stock of how much I have learned and grown over the years as a mother.

God has made me understand that the first ministry He has given me is to be a good wife to my husband. Secondly, to be a good mother to my children. Thirdly, to serve them just as Christ did for the church, standing by my family in good times and in bad times.

Lessons in M

Being a mother of small children, five, three, and one-year-old, it has not been a comfortable journey, but I have realized that it is in our challenging journey that we learn more about the magnificent power of God in our lives. Motherhood has taught me to be patient, to live with Grace,  and to have more Gratitude.

'.... I have realized that it is in our difficult journey that we get to learn more about the magnificent power of God in our lives. In the process, we discover more about ourselves.'Click To Tweet

1) Motherhood has taught me, Patient.

It wasn’t until I had kids that I understood what it is to have patience. Patience is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset. I am still learning to answer the same question ten times with a smile.

I am still learning not to scream at the top of my lungs when one of my kids goes off track. I am still learning to tolerate the kids and to handle their too many demands. I have learned sacrifice(selflessness); to put their needs above mine, and to know that their happiness is paramount.

2) Motherhood has made me more aware of how much God loves me.

Since having children and seeing how much my heart can expand to accommodate the love, I feel it has made me see how God has enough space in his heart to love everyone. Incredibly, God loves me that he thought it fit to allow me to partner with him to bring up these children.

3) I am grateful for the privilege to be called Mommy

While I understand that so many women are in a season where they are looking to experience motherhood, I do not take it for granted that God entrusted me these children to take care of them.

I am grateful for the privilege to be called mommy, and I understand that it is my responsibility for my husband and me to raise our children in fear of the Lord because no one else we do that for us.  

Now, I am aware that I have arrows in my hand; it is up to me to shoot them in the right direction. Psalm 127:4 “Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth.” I also wish to discover more about me in this journey of motherhood. I know it will be challenging, but the Grace of God is enough.

I would like to hear from you. What have you learned about being a mom? What can you contribute to this?

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