About Us

Meet Martin & Chandy


Thank you for stopping by!

We are a couple who loves Jesus, our three kids, and people. We want to use this blog to encourage families to live out all that God has called them to be in their relationships(Becoming the right person in our relationships).

Our commitment is to intentionally live for God, thereby, reflecting God’s image and exercising his mandate to have dominion on earth. 

“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” Genesis 1:26

Our Mission is to see the kingdom of God be established and populate the earth with God’s children through our influence in our respective homes”.


So we saw this hit number one show on Netflix- Is Love Blind? And we began to think Hmm- this kind of sound like us. “Like how I met Martin.”

I agreed to marry Martin without seeing him. Whew. I know I know what you may be thinking. No, we didn’t date in the pods or anything like that. We had a long-distance relationship.

At that time, I lived in the States, and Martin lived in Nigeria. So now you ask, How did we connect? Good question!

How did it all start! On one occasion in September 2010. I don’t remember the exact date when I was at school, The University of Georgia.

I got a call from my mom to inform me that I need to check my email because someone had sent her an email for me from a guy in Nigeria that wanted to chat with me.

My mom being who she was, told me, “I ga ano ndi di Abia la!” Well, you will be there your husband will come and go”? “which kind talk be this?”. I was not looking for anything, oh ?, but I just decided to check the email.

I saw the email, and it was from Martin, and it was titled “A New Beginning,” and he stated that he got my mom’s email from a family friend in Nigeria, and he would like to get my contact.

So, I replied to the email with my contact information. I requested that Martin doesn’t contact my mom again. Yes, true story!

There, Martin started with his email chats every day, before I knew it, I began to anticipate his emails secretly.

The email chats went on for about two weeks. Meanwhile, we have not talked over the phone. Then one day, during our email chats, he asked me for my phone number.

While I ignored that email, he left his number in the email instead (smart move), right! And a few days after, I would have picked up my phone to place a call.

A month later, Martin proposed to me- Yall over the phone, and I said YES.

So you see, we played it out like the show and in the Pod. I went to Nigeria to meet him a month after he proposed and we got married six months later.



“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a step” Chandy, and I have been friends for about eight years and married for seven years now, and God has blessed us with three amazing children.

About us
Picture of our Family 2020- 9th Wedding Anniversary


Some years ago, I remembered a family friend walked up to me at my family Church, and he asked for my attention for a moment. He pulled me by the side and asked me an unexpected question; he wanted to know if I was single or seeing anyone. I smiled and told him I was single.

He told me he wanted to introduce me to someone; that she lives in the states, and at that time, I was in Nigeria. So, the meeting ended with an appreciation for his kind thoughts towards me. I expressed that I was not interested even though I was not engaged or seeing anyone.

A few months later, I met him again, and he asked me the same question. He encouraged me to be open to the relationship at this time. Well, I reluctantly asked for Chandy’s contact, but he gave me her mom’s email address instead. I later found out that the beautiful damsel he spoke of was not aware of all of this.

I summoned the courage and wrote to her using her mom’s email address. The subject title was “A NEW BEGINNING,” and as they say, the rest is HISTORY.

Let’s start from the beginning. “In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God.” John 1:1. Let the word of God remain the set standard for our relationship.

Marriage is not always what we imagine it to be because we quickly understand better when reality sets. We have seen our fair share of victory and not so- victory in our relationship, and we look forward to sharing our journey with you.

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It would be great if you join our community of people, who had already pledged in our FACEBOOK GROUP to become the right people in their relationships.

Chandy and Martin